a s t r a l c l a n , t e r r i t o r y .

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newBookmarkLockedFalling !! ADVERTISING && AFFILIATING CONTEST !!
felicity! 1 347 by felicity!
Jun 27, 2010 21:37:11 GMT -6
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newBookmarkLockedFalling rules .
felicity! 0 444 by felicity!
Apr 9, 2010 10:12:52 GMT -6
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newBookmarkLockedFalling clan personalities .
felicity! 0 365 by felicity!
Apr 9, 2010 10:35:42 GMT -6


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a s t r a l c l a n , t e r r i t o r y .
astralclan territory begins where sunburstclan's leaves off and continues all the way to the mountains and the edge of the four clan's entire territory together. various sizes of marshes and bogs decorate this clan's lush green land full of all kinds of trees, bushes, and plant life. wildflowers can be found throughout the territory in all kinds of odd places. birds somehow manage to fly across the darkened skies as they pour out the rains that drench the territory nearly every day. according to astralclan lore, a day of good weather is considered a bad omen and a warning of things to come. all types of fish hide away in even the smallest of the puddles waiting to feed even the tiniest of the apprentices, as most are trained in the spots near the bogs that has mud causing their feet to stick down and teach them to use this to their advantage.
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