informational .

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g u i d e l i n e s .

have no clue what's going on? read the rules and the explanation about how the site works. you can even read bios about the staff members here!

by felicity!
Jun 27, 2010 21:37:11 GMT -6
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n e w s .

see that nifty news sidebar? well, the newest bit of news goes there (sometimes just a short summary there if our news is long) and the older news is posted here in threads for discussion.

4 4 5.28.10 entry
by felicity!
Jun 21, 2010 14:54:52 GMT -6
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m o r g u e .

any dead threads, old characters, and inactive posts will be moved here. usernames for inactive accounts will be put in a list.

6 43

out of character .

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d i s c u s s i o n .

jeeze, that was a pretty bad earthquake in haiti! and in chile and baja california too! discuss anything not related to the darling forum here.

2 4 I'm sorry,
by lynx
Jul 12, 2010 22:47:06 GMT -6
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g a m e s .

got an interesting forum game? post it here or play one of the games another member has posted for us to pass the time between posts with!

3 90 just counting
by little miss cee.
Jun 18, 2010 7:15:43 GMT -6
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a d v e r t i s i n g & a f f i l i a t e s .

yes, we all know you have the greatest site out there, but why spam the cbox? it's against the rules! post your site's advertisement here and maybe your aff button too! we love exchanging ads and affs. post in the right sub-board and post in the affiliating thread correctly.

this board is guest friendly.

Sub-boards: f i r s t - t i m e r s ., l i n k - b a c k s .

102 105 The Wild Side, An Original Warrior Roleplay
by Sakuratree
Mar 17, 2018 21:51:25 GMT -6

for the character .

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b i o - m a k i n g .

so you're ready to dive into the world of cats? make sure you know your terminology before you come on over to make a bio. don't worry when you see that we have no form. when you hit new thread it will be there waiting for you to fill in. nifty, huh? a staff member will review and accept your bio, but no roleplaying until it is accepted!

Sub-board: r e f u s e d , b i o s .

6 9
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a c c e p t e d , b i o s .

your bio has been accepted? great! it's been moved here for future reference. y'know, for when some pretty she-cat is looking for that handsome tom of yours (or vice versa, haha). bios are arranged by clan / group.

Sub-boards: s u n b u r s t c l a n , b i o s ., a s t r a l c l a n , b i o s ., c o s m i c c l a n , b i o s ., e c l i p s e c l a n , b i o s ., c l a n l e s s , b i o s .

25 52
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c l a n , p a g e s .

so you want to know who's who in your clan? maybe you want to know the cat count per clan before you make your cat? each clan has a thread here that tells the latest news, the important threads going on, and mentor / apprentice lists.

2 2 astralclan
Jun 17, 2010 17:40:42 GMT -6
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w a n t e d , c a t s .

so your cat has a long lost sister that they supposedly killed? great aunt bertha that secretly gave birth to your lover (woah, incest!)? if you need someone to play a cat essential to your cat's life, post it here! i'm sure someone will come and help you out.

Sub-board: k i t t i n g .

7 31 family members needed
by Pheasantfur
Jul 2, 2010 9:09:35 GMT -6
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t r a c k i n g , t h r e a d s & c a t s

so you got a couple cats and you want to keep them all together? got a few threads open with some friends that you want to keep straight? post a thread here for all of your cats.

one thread per person

6 9 log; just bring me the..
by :)R!zzy
Jun 17, 2010 17:46:36 GMT -6

camps .

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s u n b u r s t c l a n , c a m p .

sunburstclan camp is located in a secluded, cave area. a shallow pool of crystal clear blue water separates the large cave that contains the main part of the camp from the territory adjacent to cosmicclan and eclipseclan. the pool contains no fish, but has been known to contain small amphibious waterlife such as frogs and toads. occasionally, one can find some reptiles like various turtles and non-venomous water snakes. young apprentices learn how to hunt these small wildlife before anything else since they are so close to home.

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a s t r a l c l a n , c a m p .

astralclan cats made their beautiful home in a peaceful, vibrantly veridian, secluded meadow. a tiny stream runs through the corner of the camp, setting aside the medicine cat's den from all the rest of camp. these cats have dens inside large hollow trees, except for the medicine cat, who resides in an abnormally badger den. squirrels, voles, and mice are the main source of nutrition for the clan, but the occasional frog is common. queens must be cautious with their kits around the stream.

3 33 i'm not much a poet_[open]
by felicity!
Jun 22, 2010 14:17:05 GMT -6
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c o s m i c c l a n , c a m p .

cosmicclan lives higher than the other clans, and closer to the glittering cave that the clans use to contact celestialclan in the mountains. their camp is colder than the rest, and you can find their dens in a series of fissures in the ground. the abysses are not too deep, and tend to mainly be quite shallow and easy to navigate. the cats chose this location for their camp for the simple reason that the area is out of the terribly chilly mountainous wind. hares and large mice can be found close to camp for food.

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e c l i p s e c l a n , c a m p .

eclipseclan camp can be found only by the cats in the clan or by other cats that have been led there before. they live in an extremely dark, hidden alcove nearby the mountains. the large and dark trees eclipse the sun from their camp and cause indefinite darkness. voles, mice, squirrels, and other small rodents wander close to camp and are the most common type of freshkill in the clan. near the back of the camp is a tiny pool that manages to quench the thirst of the entire clan. their dens are simply just the dips in the rocky ground.

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territory .

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s u n b u r s t c l a n , t e r r i t o r y .

sunburstclan territory is divided into two by a long, flowing river that spills into the pool that engulfs their cavern camp. one side has more trees while the other contains more moorlans. the side adjacent to eclipseclan territory has more trees as the rich post-volcanic soil enriched some of the sunburstclan land. small, fresh water fish can be found swimming in the river, and a nice sized little beach is tucked away in the one bend of the river. dirty sand and tiny pebbles collect here, and the soil around this area is fertile from the short season of flooding between winter and spring. apprentices are trained in a small, wooded clearing on the eclipseclan half of the territory because of the downy moss build up there. occasionally, a badger or fox passes through the area and must be chased out by the warriors of the clan.

2 12 time of your life_[rizzy]
by :)R!zzy
Jun 22, 2010 21:15:39 GMT -6
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a s t r a l c l a n , t e r r i t o r y .

astralclan territory begins where sunburstclan's leaves off and continues all the way to the mountains and the edge of the four clan's entire territory together. various sizes of marshes and bogs decorate this clan's lush green land full of all kinds of trees, bushes, and plant life. wildflowers can be found throughout the territory in all kinds of odd places. birds somehow manage to fly across the darkened skies as they pour out the rains that drench the territory nearly every day. according to astralclan lore, a day of good weather is considered a bad omen and a warning of things to come. all types of fish hide away in even the smallest of the puddles waiting to feed even the tiniest of the apprentices, as most are trained in the spots near the bogs that has mud causing their feet to stick down and teach them to use this to their advantage.

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c o s m i c c l a n , t e r r i t o r y .

cosmicclan territory is obviously quite cold. snow covers the land year round except for a short while in early spring which is why these cats are only allowed to breed in late winter. any births during another time of year could end deadly for all the kits and the mother. these snobby cats seem far away from the rest, but cosmicclan is actually quite close to astralclan and sunburstclan. each of these clans are just a careful climb away. apprentices are taught in an area with deep snow drifts perfect for careful hiding. falcons, low-flying birds, and thickly furred rodents are this clans prey and can be found all across their mountainous territory. a very, very small stream runs up from sunburstclan and supplies these cold weather resistant cats with fresh water.

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e c l i p s e c l a n , t e r r i t o r y .

eclipseclan territory is packed full of tall trees fueled by the fertile soil from ashfall during a volcanic eruption hundreds of years ago. from this eruption, large igneous rock deposits and patches of hard, dried lava can be found throughout the territory amonst all of the trees. plant life is quite abundant throughout the land, but there is a small stream running off from the river in sunburstclan which feeds into the small pool that supplies the cats with water in camp. prey of all kinds can be found in the heavily wooded areas here. mice, voles, birds, squirrels, snakes, and pretty much every small animal that can possibly be consumed by cats. usually the tall trees block out the sun, supporting the clan's name by eclipsing light from the ground level living creatures.

1 16 your nightmares need only a year or two to unfold
by ...hail !'
Jun 24, 2010 7:25:43 GMT -6
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f r e e l a n d s .

so you've made a few loners and rogues and you don't know where to roleplay them? drag them over here by their metaphorical collars (or literal collars) and start up a thread. there are several sub-boards with a few areas to roleplay, but if you desire something that is not there simply make a thread and describe the place in your post. though, if you think of something that could be useful, PM an admin to make the board for it.

Sub-boards: t o w n ., g r a v e y a r d ., f a r m l a n d s ., c l a n l e s s , f o r e s t .

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celestialclan .

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g l i t t e r i n g , c a v e .

where do leaders go to get their lives? how do medicine cats contact celestialclan at half moon? by traveling to the glittering cave on the shortest mountain at th edge of cosmicclan territory, that's where and how. the glittering part of the cave is simply from the small pieces of minerals and crystals scattered in the rock that forms the walls of the cave. these sparkling flecks give the illusion of glitter which mesmirized cats way back in the day when it was discovered. in the center of the cavern is a large, but still shallow, pool that has never gone stagnant. after a few laps of this liquid, one falls right off to sleep and can momentarily join those up in the sky.

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h i gh - c l i f f .

the high-cliff is the gathering place for the river valley clans. located nearest to eclipseclan, it is just a short climb up the mountainside. really, it is not a mountain, but the dormant volcano that erupted hundreds of years ago. the clans believe that celestialclan is protecting them from the dangers of living near a volcano through keeping it dormant year after year. one of the large cliffs is where the clans meet during the full moon to converse with friends in other clans and to let the leaders share news of importance to the others.

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